Strategic Lead for Maths: Mrs N. Robinson

Second in Maths Department: Mrs E. Dacres



"The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated but to make complicated things simple."

S. Gudder




Our aim is to create a secure environment for pupils to learn and prosper and promote a culture of learning.  Pupils are inspired to enjoy Mathematics and are constantly challenged to achieve their best. Pupils' understanding and enjoyment of Mathematics are paramount; lessons include activities that are designed to develop their knowledge and understanding of Mathematics, encouraging them to question, think critically, and improve their skills.

In Mathematics we aim to:

  • Provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills and express ideas mathematically

  • Provide a well-sequenced ambitious curriculum which allows all pupils to achieve well

  • Encourage pupils to develop an appreciation of the importance of Mathematics in everyday life and the links to other curriculum areas

  • Provide useful feedback to allow pupils to further their progress and attainment

  • Encourage pupils to think about their own learning and develop metacognitive strategies

  • Build pupils' self-confidence and resilience

Pupils will:

  • Be able to reason mathematically and solve mathematical problems

  • Explore core mathematical topics such as number, algebra, geometry, measures, statistics, and probability

  • Be able to draw on prior knowledge and apply this in different and unfamiliar contexts

  • Work both independently and collaboratively in lessons

  • Work to their highest ability at all times and show resilience

  • Use their progress booklet and knowledge organisers to help them track their own progress and help them with revision

Curriculum Overview

The Maths curriculum is well-sequenced with clearly defined skills and knowledge for each module, including links between topics.  The use of pre-learning and over-learning along with regular retrieval activities helps embed learning.  The curriculum is ambitious with equality of access for all learners, scaffolding and support is provided to ensure all pupils are able to achieve well. Please see the School Curriculum Maps for more detail.


Year 6

The Year 6 Scheme of Work is based on a Mastery approach using CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) as appropriate; this ensures that pupils cover fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.  Retrieval starters give pupils the opportunity to revisit topics to help embed this knowledge.  Assessment includes feedback tasks at the end of a topic to check for understanding, end-of-module tests and mock SAT papers.  Pupils track their own progress in a progress booklet and are given knowledge organisers to help them revise both in school and at home.

Year 6 - Autumn Term

6N1 – Place Value, 6N2 – Calculations (Four Rules etc), 6N3 - Fractions, 6GM1 Geometry – Position and Direction (including recapping of properties of shapes).

Year 6 - Spring Term

6N4 – Decimals and Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, 6N5 – Percentages, 6AL1 - Algebra, 6GM2 - Measurement – Converting Units, 6GM3 - Perimeter, Area and Volume, 6N6 - Ratio, 6GM4 - Geometry – Properties of Shapes.

Year 6 - Summer Term

S1 - Statistics and Circles, Revision, Project Work – Bakery Project, Consolidation Work, Financial Task – Theme Park Maths.


Year 7 and 8

The Key Stage 3 Scheme of Work is based on the NCETM framework. The Mastery approach carries on from Year 6 and allows pupils to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills.  Retrieval starters give pupils the opportunity to revisit topics to help embed this knowledge. Assessment includes feedback tasks at the end of a topic to check for understanding, end-of-module tests and end-of-term tests. Pupils track their own progress in a progress booklet and are given knowledge organisers to help them revise both in school and at home.

Year 7 - Autumn Term

7N1 – Place Value, 7N2 – Properties of Number, 7N3 – Arithmetic, 7PS1 – Probability.

Year 7 - Spring Term

7AL1 – Algebra – Expressions and Equations, 7GM1 – Perimeter and Area, 7N4 – Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, 7N5 – Fractions (Four Rules).

Year 7 - Summer Term

7N6 – Multiplicative Relationships (Fractions), 7N7 - Multiplicative Relationships (Ratio), 7AL2 - Coordinates, 7GM2 – Transformations.


Year 8 - Autumn Term

8N1 – Place Value (Estimation and Rounding), 8AL1- Sequences, 8AL2 – Graphical Representation, 8AL3 – Solving Equations.

Year 8 - Spring Term

8GM1 – Geometric Properties (Angles and Pythagoras), 8S1 – Statistics, 8N2 – Multiplicative Relationships (Percentages and Proportionality).

Year 8 - Summer Term

8GM2 – Perimeter, Area and Volume, 8GM3 – Constructions.

Careers in this subject

  • Accountancy
  • Aerospace & defence
  • Automotive
  • Biosciences
  • Business support services
  • Chemicals
  • Construction
  • Consultancies
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Exploration geophysics
  • Financial services
  • Food & drink
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • IT & computing
  • Media
  • Metals & minerals
  • Operational research
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Recruitment
  • Academic research
  • Science
  • Telecoms
  • Transport/travel

Careers Snapshot - Maths

Updated: 22/07/2024 7.97 MB

Useful Learning Links

If you would like to help your child with their Maths or encourage them to practise their Maths skills, the following websites are recommended:


All pupils

MyMaths (pupils have login details)

Times Table Rock Stars  (pupils have login details)

Hit the Button This is useful for basic arithmetic skills and times tables.

Bar Modelling help

National Numeracy

Maths is Fun

Maths Zone

Top Marks


Year 6

SATs Companion (pupils have login details) Pupils may be set homework on this; they can also select topics to watch videos and answer questions on.

KS2 Maths - BBC Bitesize Each Maths topic has ‘guides’ which pupils can work through.  Quick questions will help assess if the work has been understood.

Corbett Maths Primary  This website has videos, worksheets and answers for each topic area.


Year 7 and 8

KS3 Maths - BBC Bitesize

Corbett Maths KS3/4


Revision - Year 6

Past SATs Questions by Topic

Year 6 Revision Links - SATs Companion  The Key Stage 2 curriculum is listed by subject content; there are SATs Companion links for each topic which takes you to a video / questions.  You need a login to access this.

Year 6 Knowledge Organisers Pupils have been given a copy of these knowledge organisers.


Revision - Year 7

Year 7 Revision Links - MyMaths This document has the assessment sheets from pupil’s progress booklets.  Pupils can see what their target areas are and use the given MyMaths code to help them recap the topic.  Some of the MyMaths pages also have video explanations.

Year 7 Knowledge Organisers Pupils have been given a copy of these knowledge organisers.


Revision - Year 8

Year 8 Revision Links - MyMaths - This document has the assessment sheets from pupil’s progress booklets.  Pupils can see what their target areas are and use the given MyMaths code to help them recap the topic.  Some of the MyMaths pages also have video explanations.

Year 8 Knowledge Organisers - Pupils have been given a copy of these knowledge organisers.

Further Extension, Support and Enrichment Opportunities

Pupils can enter Maths competitions such as the UK Junior Maths Challenge, a national competition run by The University of Leeds.  Maths clubs run by the department offer opportunities for problem-solving; pupils can also get help with Maths classwork and homework. 

Pupils may be highlighted as needing additional support in Maths; some examples of this are small group intervention and one-to-one work on basic skills.  We also run a Numeracy Mentoring Scheme where Year 8 pupils work with Year 6 pupils on their times tables.

British Moral Values

Click here to see how British Moral Values are taught in Maths at Scissett Middle School