The School Day

The school operates a five lesson day, with one morning break and one hour for lunch.

A warning bell rings at 8:50am ready for the school day which begins at 8:55am.

Registration 8:55am 9:00am
Behaviour Curriculum / Year Group Assemblies 9:00am 9:20am
Lesson 1 9:20am 10:15am
Lesson 2 10:15am 11:10am
Break 11:10am 11:30am
Lesson 3 11:30am 12:25pm
Lunch 12:25pm 1:25pm
Afternoon Registration and Reading / Overlearning 1:25pm 1:45pm
Lesson 4 1:45pm 2:40pm
Lesson 5 2:40pm 3:40pm


The school day ends at 3:40pm.

During the normal school week, 25 hours are spent teaching and this includes the teaching of Religious, Personal and Social Education but excludes registration and breaks.

The compulsory opening hours equate to 33 hours and 45 minutes per week.


Classroom Equipment

Your basic classroom equipment should include...

  • A good quality ballpoint pen (or fountain pen)
  • Set of coloured pencils
  • Pencil
  • Green Pen
  • Eraser
  • 30cm ruler
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Glue stick
  • Pair of compasses
  • Set square
  • Protractor
  • Basic calculator for KS2 pupils and scientific calculator for KS3 pupils
  • A4 ring binder and plastic wallets
  • Pencil case or tin clearly labelled with your name

Equipment is available to purchase from the school shop via ParentPay - items purchased will be delivered to pupils in their classroom.

Class Rules

  • We arrive promptly and calmly to lessons and always bring the right equipment.
  • We show respect for everyone, their opinions and possessions.
  • We listen carefully to others without interrupting.
  • We contribute positively in all lessons at the appropriate time.
  • We try our best and, by behaving well, we allow others to work well too.