Scissett Middle School is committed to safeguarding & promoting the welfare of all its pupils and staff. As a school, we always listen to what pupils and staff tell us, and where necessary, act upon the information to ensure that our children and staff are free from harm.
We inform pupils of whom they might talk to both, in and out of school and all children are actively encourage to speak to an adult about any concerns they may have. All teaching and non teaching staff receive on-going safeguarding training in according with the school’s safeguarding policy.
We are committed to working with all stakeholders, including parents and carers, openly and honestly. However, on the rare occasion where a pupil may be at risk of significant harm, consultation may be sought with Social Services in the first instance.
Mrs Senior is the Designated Safeguarding Lead in school and is supported by a dedicated team of Safeguarding officers.
Safeguarding Team
Safeguarding Team
Mrs S. Booth
Safeguarding Officer
Safeguarding Induction & Management of Training Records
Mrs S. Wilkinson
Safeguarding Officer
Pupil Safeguarding Booklet
Safeguarding Policies
Safeguarding Documents
Useful Links
Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership |
This site primarily provides safeguarding information for professionals and volunteers in Kirklees. The site also provides information for people of the public, parents and carers, and children and young people, on some of the key issues that can affect the well-being and safety of children.
NSPCC | The NSPCC stands up for children, demanding that laws change and action is taken to better protect them. This site provides information on different types of abuse, how to spot signs of abuse and the effects on the child. |
Think U Know |
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Explore one of the six Thinkuknow websites for advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer. |
Advice to Parents and Carers on Keeping Children Safe from Abuse and Harm | This guidance brings together sources of information about the main risks children may be particularly vulnerable to during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and signposts you to help and support available. |