Parental Controls

Updated: 05/06/2023 2.39 MB


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Useful Links

BBC Own It - Help and advice, skills or inspiration to help children with their online lives

CEOP & Think You Know - The CEOP Education team is part of the National Crime Agency that provides training, resources and information for children and young people aged 4 - 18, their families and professionals who work with them.  

Childline - Sexting and Sending Nudes - Advice to help if you're feeling pressured or something’s gone wrong after sending a nude.

Childnet - Works directly with children and young people from the ages of 3 to 18 on a weekly basis, as well as parents, carers, teachers and professionals, finding out about their real experiences online, and the positive things they are doing as well as sharing safety advice.

Internet Matters  -  Support for parents and carers to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. Offering advice and information to help you engage in your child’s online life and help manage the risks they may face online.

Parent Info - Provides support and advice to parents, with contributions from the leading experts and organisations in matters related to young people and families in a digital world.