We are proud of our school and expect all pupils to wear the SMS uniform with pride. We believe our uniform:
- Creates a sense of school community, cohesion and identity
- Supports positive behaviour and good discipline
- Ensures pupils from all cultures and backgrounds feel welcome
- Protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way
If pupils arrive at school without the correct school uniform, they may be allocated the correct items to wear for the day, including footwear.
School Uniform 
- Plain white shirt, specifically designed to be worn with a tie. The shirt must be tucked in. Close fitting fashion shirts are not suitable for school use. Short sleeved shirts are advisable in summer.
- School tie - only clip-on ties are acceptable.
- Plain blue V-necked sweater with the school logo.
- Plain, black full length tailored trousers. No other styles are allowed, including, canvas, linen, denim, jeans style, tight or skinny fit trousers, leggings or tracksuit bottoms. Trousers must be full length i.e., cover the top of the shoe and ankles must be covered; cropped or rolled up trousers are not permitted. Alternatively, pupils may wear black tailored school shorts (not casual shorts or sportswear).
- Plain black skirt. Appropriate length (knee length or just above), pleated or skater style skirts only. No tube/tight fitting skirts, stretchy skirts or straight line pencil skirts
- Socks/tights – Plain black, navy or grey ankle or knee-length socks. Plain navy/black tights
- School Bags – Children do need a school bag to transport books and equipment but it should be of a reasonable size (suggested length 50cm). Small handbags or ‘man bags` are not appropriate for school.
- Outer garments – The wearing of outer garments to and from school is encouraged when required. They should be appropriate to the season. Coats should not be denim or have obtrusive logos on them. Heads should not be covered indoors (except for religious observance). Hoodies or other sweatshirts must not be worn in school at any time.
- Jewellery and fashion accessories – Jewellery often presents a health and safety risk in school. Therefore, all jewellery must be able to be removed as this will be necessary in certain lessons where there is a particular issue. All jewellery
must be plain and discreet. The only acceptable jewellery is a watch and one small stud per ear (no bigger than the end of a pencil). No stretchers. Earrings should only be worn in the earlobe. No other body/facial piercing is permitted. Nail extensions/nail polish must not be worn in school. Pupils wearing nail polish will be asked to remove it.
- Smart Watches – Given the cost of many smart watches, we would ask ideally that these are left at home. If worn to school, this is done so in line with the school mobile phone policy. All internet connectivity must be disabled at all times.
- Hair and make-up – Extreme or unnaturally coloured hairstyles are not allowed. What constitutes ‘extreme’ is at the discretion of school leaders. Shaved patterns will not be allowed. Hairbands should be discreet. Pupils may not wear make-up in school. Please note that in practical lessons, such as Resistant Materials or Science, as well as P.E., long hair should be tied back for safety reasons. False nails, false eyelashes or fake tan are not allowed.
- Shoes must be plain black leather or leather effect and suitable for school. Plain black laces only. Velcro fastening shoes are acceptable. Flat or low-heeled ankle boots are allowed, again these must be plain black. All shoes should be able to be polished. Sports style and trainer style shoes, such as Nike, Puma, Reebok, Converse, Vans, Lonsdale etc. are not allowed even though some shops may sell them as ‘school shoes’. No trainers, high heels, platforms or pumps. There should be no visible sports logos.
If in doubt, please ask school for advice before purchasing new shoes – the easiest way to do this is to send us a photo / web link.
Pupils are expected to wear full school uniform throughout the year. During periods of warmer weather, as determined by the school, the wearing of jumpers is optional.
PE Kit
- Navy polo shirt with school logo.
- Navy shorts or navy ‘skort’ with school logo (both from uniform suppliers) and/or blue tracksuit bottoms or leggings with the school logo.
- Hoodie with school logo and/or football shirt with school logo.
- Navy socks from uniform suppliers.
- Sports trainers.
- Strongly advise shin pads, gum shield (hockey) and football boots for rugby and football.
All our school uniform can be purchased from:
Term Time Wear 5 St. John’s Road, Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 453534
Website: www.termtimewear.com
Natasha School Wear 2 Buxton Way, (off New Street), Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 431260
Top Class School Wear Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 862068 or 07525 740333
Website: www.topclassschoolwear.co.uk
Email: sales@topclassschoolwear.co.uk
Outgrown uniform
If you have any items of outgrown uniform, we kindly request that these are donated to school for use by other families. We hold an event each summer when parents/carers are invited to come in to school to obtain good quality, second hand logoed uniform. Details of these events are sent out in our school bulletin.
We also have a Uniform Exchange donation box in the main entrance to school. Uniform Exchange make sure every family has access to school uniform throughout the year no matter their financial need.
Uniform Exchange - Free School Uniform
Uniform Exchange collects items of recycled school uniform which is available for all parents to access for their local school. Please complete the form on this link and they will get it out to you ASAP. They give away uniform on a first come first served basis - please be aware that logoed items are limited.
Lost Property and Valuables
Please note that the school and The Mast Academy Trust cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to property; therefore, please do not allow your child to bring valuable articles to school. The vast majority of our pupils are scrupulously honest. Lost property can usually be recovered very quickly if the loss is reported straight away and the articles are marked. Watches, etc. can be reclaimed from the school office. However, pupils should not bring valuables or large sums of money to school unless strictly necessary. Money must not be left in classrooms, desks or drawers. During a PE lesson, valuables should be handed to the teacher for safe keeping. Other than mobile phones, electronic devices are not allowed. Understandably, should they be brought to school and lost, damaged or stolen, children would be upset. Don’t let your children bring them.
Mobile phones may not be used when children are in school and must be switched off before they enter school grounds. They must be handed in during registration and will be stored in a padded box and kept in the school office. They will then be returned to each class by the end of the day and must not be switched on until children have left site. This is for safeguarding reasons.
We are able to offer lockers to rent £9 for the year. The money allows us to cover the cost of management and maintenance of the lockers and recoup the initial outlay over a number of years. The lockers are keyless and have codes which the children set at the beginning of the year. The office also holds a master key. Pupils in receipt of Free School Meals will be automatically allocated a locker free of charge. Pupils who do not wish to rent a locker must carry their possessions with them during the day. All pupils should deposit bags in classrooms prior to break and lunchtime.