Implementing the "Sports Premium" in our School

The Sport Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to help support and develop the teaching of Physical Education within KS2 and to provide all pupils with the access to competitive sport. 
In our school, we are using this to:

  • Increase the amount of competitive sport in which our students participate
  • Make links to other community sports providers
  • Develop additional clubs and activities for students, outside the curriculum
  • Give extra support in PE to our most talented students and include those with special needs in sport

All pupils at Scissett Middle School are taught by specialist Physical Education teachers. A Sports Apprentice has also been employed to provide extra support in lessons, working with both the more able Year 6 students and those who find Physical Education a little more of a challenge. The use of specialist coaches allows the department to introduce new activities and keep the curriculum varied and fresh whilst allowing the members of staff to continue to develop their expertise in an increasing range of activities.

Some of the Sports Premium funding has been used to purchase specialist equipment to develop the athletics curriculum, whilst the funding has also helped transport pupils to compete in Local and regional events including the West Yorkshire Youth Games at Leeds Beckett University.

"The additional Primary School Sports funding is used to supplement the school's existing and extensive collaborative work to promote pupils' participation in sport. Pupils of all ages are very positive about these opportunities and the vast majority are involved in sport outside their normal lessons."

Ofsted 2013

Sports Premium

Updated: 08/05/2024 511 KB

In the photos below, the children can be seen enjoying a Boccia and Curling session.

This is an example of how we use our Sports Premium funding in order to provide an inclusive menu of extra-curricular activities for all children.