If your child has any specific medical needs, then please contact Mrs F. Thornton, Inclusion Manager.
Administration of Medicines in School
Pupils’ own medicines should only be brought to school when it would be detrimental to their health if the medicine was not administered during the school day.
School will accept pupil’s own medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or pharmacist prescriber and are provided in the original container (as dispensed by a pharmacist) and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration.
Non-prescribed (in date) medication such as paracetamol, calpol etc., can also be administered if provided in the original container/packet and accompanied with the parental consent form.
It is the pupil’s responsibility to go to the Office at the correct time to receive or self-administer their medication. Doses administered will be recorded and logged onto individual medical forms for each pupil which are retained in the Office. All medication is kept in a secure medicine cabinet in the School Office.
Pupils who require inhalers and/or medicines for anaphylaxis should carry them with them throughout the day. We also request spare medication in the office for these pupils.
Please click here to view our Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy.
Medication Forms