Strategic Lead for Technology and Art: Mrs C. Dobson

Design Technology in Scissett Middle School allows pupils to be creative problem solvers, both as individuals or as members of a team. The subject allows them to participate in a world of rapidly changing technologies. They respond to challenges by determining need and constraints, developing a range of ideas and making quality products. The department is committed to the continued development of a pupils’ design and making skills, through a range of basic hand tools, machinery and CAD/CAM activities. Pupils also develop their understanding of aesthetics, ergonomics, social and environmental issues as well as current industrial practices.
Design Technology provides pupils with a practical application of knowledge that they have acquired in subjects such as Mathematics, English, Science and Art.
Pupils currently participate in a half yearly rotation between the technology disciplines – Food and Textile Technology and Resistant Material Technology.
Click here to view the Resistant Material Technology Page
Click here to view the Food Technology Page
Click here to view the Textile Technology Page
Careers in these subjects
- Graphic designer
- Textiles designer
- Illustrator
- Product designer
- Web designer
- Photographer
- Interior designer
- Copywriter
- Artist
- Sculptor
- Engineer
- Electrician
- Digital electronics designer
- Nutritionist
- Fashion designer
- Tailor
- Architect
- Software engineer
- Civil engineer
- Carpenter
- Ceramicist
- Chef
- Costume / set / prop designer
- Programmer
British Moral Values
Click here to see how British Moral Values are taught in Technology at Scissett Middle School.